viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009

Adjective clauses with prepositions; adjective phrases

 à Jack Nicholson is the one who has won the most Academy Awards for being best actor.

      à Katherine Hepburn is the one who has won the most Academy Awards for being best actress.


  à Titanic, the most romantic movie ever, is very famous. 

à Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Spiderman 3, and Cleopatra, which have been very famous, were the most expensive.

à Steven Spielberg, which is the director who has made the most films, is a very nice person.

à Julie  Taymor, which is the female director who has made the most films, is a very close friend of my mother. 

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

We're a band


We’re a band


This song is about the return of Jesus. We already know about his return because the Bible says it. So with this song we are praising Him and we will be waiting for his return because He is The Almighty. So it does not matter what people says about us when we are waiting for him, telling people that He will be back, we will acclaim his coming. And if we do this a lot of people might say that we are freaks, but we have the strength to be stand up and to say everybody that he died for us, so no matter what the say about us we love him and we will always be with Him, because We’re a band!





The Analects

The Analects

The general thrust of the text is to assist the reader in self-cultivation so that the reader might become a moral example for others. One might find the proper way to live and behave by practicing various virtues (de), thereby becoming a humane person (ren zhe) or a prince of virtue (junzi, usually rendered "gentleman"). Humanity or benevolence (ren) is the most important virtue in the Analects. Confucius emphasized literacy, study, and learning to develop the practice of moral wisdom. Rote memorization is not sufficient; one must be thoughtful. Confucius also expected his disciples to be loyal and to do what was proper, especially in government service.


Confucius was a very wise man. He was aware of the reality of all the men on earth. Confucius worked according to the principle that the prime requisite of a good kingdom is a good king. He believed that if a king acted in a wrong way, his kingdom was going to be a complete failure. He was absolutely right. We can see this in our current present days, that if a governor acts in a wrong way, he will be managing his country wrongly, which will cause him complete failure. So even though, Confucius was talking about his philosophies a long time ago, we can see that they develop in these times and that they will be developed long time after now.




This fable is about Numskull, a pride lion who believed he was the best king of the world. He ate all the animals that stepped in his way. He was very proud of himself and he thought he could do everything that he wanted. One day all the animals gathered together, and they planned that every day one animal will turn himself as a pray. Day by day passed and when it was the turn of the rabbit, he was late. The angry lion was mad. Numskull added that he would eat every one because not only he was late, but also he was way too small. The rabbit explained himself; he told the lion that in his way, he and other rabbits encountered another lion that claimed he was better. Numskull claimed that he was the only lion strong and brave enough. The rabbit added that the other lion wanted to defeat him, so Numskull followed the rabbit. It was a well, which showed the reflection of Numskull. He thought the lion was in front of him and he dove in it and he died.



 We can see through the fable that you can find solutions for a problem, no matter how difficult it is, you can accomplish what you want. The rabbit was smart to create a solution where all the animals were benefitted, that's the way we have to find solutions, because he took the risk. He was not afraid of Numskull and he dares to defeat him, not knowing what could happen. It shows us that we can beat anything taking good decisions that would not hurt anyone.



